答辩准备: 1.切勿迟到 2.注意外表。衣服干净整洁。不要戴帽子或拖鞋。穿短裙或衣服太暴露。 3.带上论文定稿、笔和记录用纸。 4.带上论文档案袋(包括所有要填写的材料)。 5. 我们必须对自己的论文内容有深刻的理解和全面的熟悉。 6.提前预测可能会问的问题,整理并写下答案,以便充分准备。
答辩流程: 1.答辩前,学生将毕业论文定稿交给答辩委员会教师。答辩委员会一般由3-5名评委组成,并有一名答辩秘书负责记录。 2.学生抽签决定答辩顺序。 3.学生报告论文答辩报告 (5-15分钟,不同学校学院的时间不同。论文介绍可分为选题理由、论文目的、选题意义、理论应用、研究方法、创新点和不足。 语速要适中,答辩过程中要注意语流速度,有急有慢,有轻有重。注意控制时间 ,论文答辩时要注意时间的掌握。对内容的掌握和控制也很熟悉,很容易给答辩委员会成员留下良好的印象) 4.答辩老师根据你的论文提问。 (论文答辩时,毕业生一般可以根据不同学校的具体要求脱稿、半脱稿或完全不脱稿。但无论如何,都要注意自己的目光,与答辩委员会成员沟通) 5.学生回答老师的问题,然后退出,在外面等待。 大约有4-6个问题, 时间将持续10- 15分钟。 2)如果不听,首先要听清楚问题。 可以要求老师重复问题,可以说I beg your pardon 之类的话) 6.答辩委员会评分制定结果并撰写评论。 7.所有学生在答辩结束后公布成绩。 答辩开场白: Good afternoon, Distinguished professors and teachers , thank you for attending the oral defense Welcome to attend the oral defense. I am XXX . My topic is XX . The whole thesis consists of... parts . The first part will give a brief introduction of... . And the second part is going to analyze... In the third part , ... will be further discussed and the fourth part is to talk about ... . Then the author will dig into the root causes of... in the fifth part , and sum up the whole paper to reveal... of ... in the last part . Thank you !
1.选择这篇论文的题目和意义是什么? What is the purpose and significance of choosing this topic? 2.关于选题: Why did you choose this topic for your thesis? Why did you choose this topic as the title of your graduation thesis? What is the reason for choosing this topic? Why do you choose this topic? 3.1你的研究有什么现实意义? 3.1What is the practical significance of your research? 3.2写这篇论文有什么意义? 3.2What is the significance of writing this paper? 4.你论文的基本框架和结构是什么? 4. What is the basic framework and structure of your thesis? 5.论文中提到的一些理论、概念和定义 5.1请解释你论文中提到的“凯恩斯主义消费理论”。 5.1Please explain the Keynesian consumption theory mentioned in your thesis. 5.2 寒蝉效应是什么? 5.2 What is cicada effect? 6.你的论点是什么? 6.1 What is your argument? What is the argument of your thesis? 6.2关于论文中的语法问题: In the last sentence on page … there are some grammatical errors... 7.你的论文中有很多数据。你是如何获得这些数据的? There are a lot of data in your paper. How do you get these data? 8.你在研究这个话题的过程中发现了什么不同的观点?你觉得这些不同的观点怎么样? 8. what different views have you found in your study of this topic? What do you think of these different opinions? 9.虽然不涉及你的论文,但与你的论文密切相关的问题是什么? 9.Although it is not mentioned in your paper, what are the issues closely related to your paper? 10.有没有问题你还没搞清楚,在你的论文里讨论的不够透彻? 10. Are there some problems that you haven't made clear and haven't discussed thoroughly in your paper? 11.你读过哪些相关文献? 11.What relevant literature have you read? 研究这个话题的原创性是什么? 12.What's the originality of your paper? What innovations have been made in this paper? 13.你的观点有什么独特之处? 13.What is the uniqueness of your point of view? 14.读者想从你的论文中得到什么? 14. What do you want the readers get from your thesis? 15.你觉得未来的进一步研究怎么样? 15.What are your thoughts on your further research? 你能说出你论文中涉及的后结构主义理论的内涵吗?你有更全面或更深入的理解吗? 16. Can you tell the connotation of the post structuralism theory in your thesis? Do you have a more comprehensive or in-depth understanding? 17.研究方法合适吗? 您获得的数据和研究结果是否客观、真实? 你的结论合理吗? 17. Is your research method appropriate? Are your data and research results objective and true? Is your conclusion reasonable? 18. 在你的论文中,你举了一个例子:你认为这个例子合适吗?为什么? 18. In your paper, you give an example: do you think this example is appropriate? Why? 19.你从写这篇论文的过程中学到了什么? 19. What did you learn from the process of writing this thesis? 20.你认为你的研究成功了吗?为什么? 20.Do you think your project successful? Why? 21.谈谈你写论文的经历和感受。 21.Talk about the experience and feelings of writing the thesis. 推荐阅读:毕业论文答辩经验分享